Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Law Of The United States - 1314 Words

Women and men are protected by The Family and Medical Leave Act in the case of things like: family emergencies, serious health conditions, and pregnancies. The law requires an employer to allow twelve unpaid work weeks to be taken in a twelve month period every year. The United States Department of Labor states, â€Å"This law covers only certain employers; affects only those employees eligible for the protections of the law; involves entitlement to leave, maintenance of health benefits during leave, and job restoration after leave;. . . † This may guarantee your job and health benefits to be kept during the twelve week period, but the law does not cover every employer. The law also does not require any pay during the entire twelve weeks. That†¦show more content†¦The first reason the U.S. should mandate paid parental leave is women are less likely to leave their job. In many of these other countries the paid leave offered is typically longer than the twelve weeks off ered in the United States. Women are leaving jobs because they are not being given enough time to bond with their child, and recuperate after their pregnancies. Google is one of the businesses in the U.S. to offer paid leave. Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of Youtube, was the first employee to receive paid maternity leave at Google. She reports this to the Wall Street Journal, â€Å"When we increased paid maternity leave to 18 from 12 weeks in 2007, the rate at which new moms left Google fell by 50%. (We also increased paternity leave to 12 weeks from seven, as we know that also has a positive effect on families and our business.) Mothers were able to take the time they needed to bond with their babies and return to their jobs feeling confident and ready. And it’s much better for Google’s bottom line—to avoid costly turnover, and to retain the valued expertise, skills and perspective of our employees who are mothers.† The time and money spent finding new employe es is no longer wasted when paid leave is presented to women. The time spent can, at times, be hard to calculate depending on if the person leaving has trained and gained a lot of

Monday, May 18, 2020

`` The Yellow Wallpaper `` And Feminist Criticism

Hillary Rodham Clinton was a presidential nominee in the 2016 election, and often was under sexist attacks, including examples as insignificant as being mocked for having a common cold, to the most primal, blatant, and explicit sexism, typically from Republicans. Much of this sexism came about out of fear, as Clinton would have been the United State’s first female president. She faced the patriarchy head-on, yet gender roles enforced by patriarchal ideals held her back, as she lost the presidential election to Donald Trump. The demise of Clinton’s presidency due to patriarchy and gender roles, and the underlying concept of women being inferior due to these maladies, is not a foreign or new concept. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte†¦show more content†¦In her entries, Jane often fixates on the yellow wallpaper in her room, citing its characteristics. Towards the latter half of the entries, Jane begins to descend into insanity through her personifi cation of the wall. In discussing the pattern, she notes that it â€Å"does move- and no wonder! The woman behind it shakes it!† (Gilman). The yellow wallpaper is a symbol of the patriarchy that blocks the truth of women, therefore the woman that is shaking the wall in her account is womankind shaking the patriarchy. By blocking truth, the patriarchy manipulates womankind into being submissive. Thus, Gilman intends to support the notion that the only way to liberate womankind is to break the patriarchy. In â€Å"Feminist Criticism†, author Lois Tyson makes similar notions about such patriarchal forces. She writes that â€Å"patriarchy continually exerts forces that undermine women’s self-confidence and assertiveness, then points to the absence of these qualities as proof that women are naturally, and therefore correctly, self-effacing and submissive† (Tyson). Patriarchy enforces the idea that women are submissive by undermining their self-confidence, sim ilar to how Jane’s mental health and patriarchal influences in her life lower her self-confidence. Patriarchal ideals in â€Å"Story of an Hour† enforce the inferiority of women, and breaking the patriarchy liberates womankind. Kate Chopin sheds light on the deadly results that patriarchy can bring. From theShow MoreRelatedFeminist Criticism Of The Yellow Wallpaper. Nicole Hedrick.1904 Words   |  8 PagesFeminist Criticism of the Yellow Wallpaper Nicole Hedrick ENG 221 – Dr. Laura Gilbert Baker College Online Feminist Criticism of the Yellow Wallpaper The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Gilman is a story written in the 19th century when women were battling society on what the role of women should be. The readings of The Yellow Wallpaper bring attention to a woman who slowly descends into madness trying to have a voice in a patriarchal society. The narrator was expected to obey her husbandRead MoreFeminist Criticism of Frankenstein and The Yellow Wallpaper791 Words   |  3 Pagesmen and women should have equal rights and opportunities (Shneir, Miram). Throughout history, women have portrayed the idea of feminism in literature, with one of the most famous feminist writers being Mary Shelley. Shelley was born in 1797 into a notable family, with her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, being a renowned feminist writer herself (Biogram). Her novel Frankenstein was published in 1818, a time when most women were extremely conservative, and were deprived of the rights and opportunities thatRead MoreFeminist Criticism of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper1216 Words   |  5 Pages Charlotte Perkins Gilman is known as the first American writer who has feminist approach. Gilman criticises inequality between male and female during her life, hence it is mostly possible to see the traces of feminist approach in her works. She deals with the struggles and obstacles which women face in patriarchal society. Moreover, Gilman argues that marriages cause the subordination of women, because male is active, whereas female plays a domestic role in the marriage. Gilman also arguesRead MoreThemes, Symbols, and Feelings in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman763 Words   |  4 PagesIn The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the protagonist symbolizes the effect of the oppression of women in society in the Nineteenth Century. In The Yellow Wallpaper, the author reveals the narrator is torn between hate and love, but emotion is difficult to determine. The effects are produced b y the use of complex themes used in the story, which assisted her oppression and reflected on her self-expression. The yellow wallpaper is a symbol of oppression in a woman who felt herRead MoreYellow Wallpaper Essay999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper† Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Full name Charlotte Anna Perkins Stetson Gilman) American short story writer, essayist, novelist, and autobiographer. The following entry presents criticism of Gilman s short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† (1892). The short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† by nineteenth-century feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman, was first published in 1892 in New England Magazine. Gilman s story, based upon her own experience with a â€Å"rest cure† for mental illness, wasRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman1099 Words   |  5 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper, has an autobiographical element to it. It was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The piece of work concentrates on many different aspects of literature. The Yellow Wallpaper, has an autobiographical element to it. It was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The piece of work concentrates on many different aspects of literature. It can be evaluated with ten different types of literary criticism: formalist, biographical, historical, psychological, mythological,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pagesthat wallpaper as I did?† the woman behind the pattern was an image of herself. She has been the one â€Å"stooping and creeping.† The Yellow Wallpaper was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the story, three characters are introduced, Jane (the narrator), John, and Jennie. The Yellow Wallpaper is an ironic story that takes us inside the mind and emotions of a woman suffering a slow mental breakdown. The narrator begins to think that another woman is creeping around the room behind the wallpaper, attemptingRead More Gothic and Feminist Elements of The Yellow Wallpaper1495 Words   |  6 Pagesand Feminist Elements of The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚  Ã‚   Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper has been interpreted in many ways over the years. Modernist critics have applied depth psychology to the story and written about the symbolism of sexual repression in the nursery bars, the chained-down bed, and the wallpaper. Genre critics have discussed the story as an example of supernatural gothic fiction, in which a ghost actually haunts the narrator. But most importantly, feminist criticsRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1090 Words   |  5 Pagesmind of their own. Charlotte Perkins Gilman the author of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper† does an exquisite job illustrating the mentality society during this time in the short story. Gillman’s notion often was that men and women did not have a different mindset. ‘’ The Yellow Wallpaper† is a tale about this women who is mentally unstable and cannot recover due to her husband’s disbelief. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper † Gilman uses feminist criticism through the dialogue, symbolism hidden in the text, and the protagonistRead MoreA Critical Analysis Of The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1051 Words   |  5 Pages Patel 1 Aditi Patel 3/14/16 English 102 Esposito, Carmine. A Critical Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a famous social worker and a leading author of women’s issues. Charlotte Perkins Gilman s relating to views of women s rights and her demands for economic and social reform of gender inequities are very famous for the foundations of American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In critics Gilman

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Presumption of Innocence in English law Free Essay Example, 2250 words

Having considered the requirements for a charge of murder or manslaughter it is necessary to consider possible defenses that may be raised against a charge of murder, which might either extinguish the charge entirely of reducing the charge to a lesser charge of manslaughter. In this instance, it is necessary to consider provocation, automatism and diminished responsibility. If Neil had thrown the first punch, then it would also be necessary to consider the possibility of self-defense. It will also be necessary to consider the law in relation to the chain of causation, as a break in the chain can lead to the accused being exonerated from causing the death of the victim. When relying on proving that the chain of causation has been broken the accused has to show that their actions were no longer the primary cause of the victim s death. This has been successfully argued in cases where the victim has subsequently died as a direct result of negligent treatment at the hospital. The courts have held that the chain of causation has been broken where the actions of a third party or of the victim have led to the death. We will write a custom essay sample on The Presumption of Innocence in English law or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Third party actions can include incorrect medical treatment. Defence lawyers rely on case law to establish a break in the chain as was demonstrated in Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] in which the court concluded that the actions of the deceased had broken the chain. The victim in this instance took his own life as he was unable to live with the disfiguring injuries sustained following an incident in his workplace. His widow had attempted to hold the company liable for his death on the grounds that they had failed to address his depression. However, the court disagreed stating that the foreseeability that he would commit suicide was too remote and therefore his death should be treated under the principle of Novus actus inteveniens. The case of R v Ogunbowale [2007] demonstrated how an intervening event can also lead to a break in the chain of causation.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rape Culture Through The Perspective Of Carry That Weight

Rape Culture Through the Perspective of Carry That Weight Rape culture remains a taboo topic that needs to be further recognized in order to understand it and prevent it from continuing for the sake of future generations.ï » ¿ Unfortunately, current college students are victims of university standards that largely fail to protect them. Oftentimes, such as in the case of Emma Sulkowicz, a senior at Columbia University, cases of sexual assault are quieted in order to preserve the image of the institution, at the cost of its students’ well being. Yet sexual assault is a common occurrence, particularly among young people today. Emma Sulkowicz was raped during her sophomore year at Columbia and the dreadful experience is what inspired her visual arts senior thesis Carry That Weight (2014), in which she lugs a 50 pound mattress around campus with her. The project has played a pivotal role in bringing attention to rape culture, particularly on college campuses, during a time of struggle between victims and authorities. Carry That Weight showcases the burden of a young women carrying a mattress on her own as a metaphor for the weight she bears as a victim of rape. It is also an act of defiance and a means of bringing attention to rape culture on college campuses. Although Columbia University continues dismissing her case, Emma is devoted to carrying the mattress with her until her rapist is expelled. As an emotionally stimulating thesis, information that Emma originally posted onlineShow MoreRelatedRape Culture And Its Effect On Society1532 Words   |  7 PagesRape culture is all around us; it lurks in advertisement, television shows, and movies, it’s even in our language objectifying women’s bodies. Rape culture is defined as â€Å"an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture† ( Something to keep in mind, the term is called â€Å"rape culture† for a reason. â€Å"Culture† is defined in anthropological terms as learned behaviors that are passed on from generationRead MoreThe Case Of A Prison Sentence Essay1413 Words   |  6 PagesSwedish students witnessed the event and pulled Turner off the young woman, holding him until the police arrived and in March 2016, the jury found Turner guilty (Knowles 2016). The case would have been forgotten, thrown under the immense pile of campus rape incidents in the US, had it not been for Judge Aaron Persky and his decision to award Turner a sentence of six months in a county jail and probation rather than the ten years in prison his conviction warranted (Knowles 2016). Outrage ensued surroundingRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Women s Violence1735 Words   |  7 Pagesfocusing on the effects that violence causes to the victims as well as to those who haven’t experienced violence, but feel somewhat driven to help in this issue. I. Leading types of violence against women A. Sexual abuse on women 1. Sexual Assault and Rape 2. Sexual harassment a. Harassment in the workplace B. Psychological and Emotional Violence 1. Verbal abuse 2. Bullying from an intimate partner C. Domestic Violence II. Health effects of violence on the victims A. Physical effects B. PsychologicalRead MoreThe Sociology of Women: A Study4847 Words   |  19 PagesPsychoanalytic Perspectives Introductory Remarks 7 The Social Construction of Sexuality 8 Masculinity as Homophobia Fear, Shame, and Silence in the Construction of Gender Identity 9 Homophobia as a Weapon of Sexism 10 Before Spring Break, the Anorexic Challenge 11 Oppression - Marilyn Frye 12 Personal Voices: Facing Up to Race 13 Income Gap between Men and Women 14 Brass Shackles and Chinese Foot Binding 15 If Men Could Menstruate 16 Barbie Girls v The Sea monsters 17 Rape Culture in theRead MoreGran Torino : Cultural Conflict And Redemption1840 Words   |  8 Pagesand prejudice by the movies’ main character, Walt Kowalski. Walt’s world is changing; his Detroit neighborhood is decaying, his relationship with his sons is distant, and his Korean War memories continue to destroy his ability to fully enjoy life. Through an unlikely bond with the Hmong children next door, Walt finally receives redemption by coming face-to-face with the same destructive prejudices consuming neighborhood teenage gang members that have consumed him. By analyzing this complex and stirringRead MoreFilm Review : Gran Torino Film Gran Verona 1794 Words   |  8 Pagesneighborhood is deteriorating, his relationship with his sons and their families is remote, and his memories of the Korean War continue to destroy his ability to fully enjoy life. Walt learns he has more in common with his neighbors than he thought and through an unlikely bond with the Hmong ch ildren next door, Thao and Sue, Walt becomes a reluctant hero when he stands up to the gangbangers who tried to force Thao to steal Walt s treasured car.. This paper will analyze the anthropological themes of interculturalRead MoreGran Torino : Cultural Conflict And Redemption1786 Words   |  8 Pagesthe movies’ main character, Walt Kowalski. Walt’s world is changing; his wife dies, his Detroit neighborhood is decaying, his relationship with his sons is distant, and his Korean War memories continue to destroy his ability to fully enjoy life. Through an unlikely bond with the Hmong children next door, Walt finally receives redemption by coming face-to-face with the same destructive prejudices consuming neighborhood teenage gang members that have consumed him. By analyzing this complex and stirringRead MoreEssay about Gendered Media9688 Words   |  39 Pageshardened and undesirable. The more powerful, ambitious men occupy themselves with important business deals, exc iting adventures, and rescuing dependent females, whom they often then assault sexually. From Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture by Julie T. Wood, Chapter 9, pp. 231-244. 0 1994. Reprinted with permission of Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Thomson Learning. Fax 800-730-2215. 31 T LI Y IIYC~ WI I H MEDIA Other myths about what is standard are similarly fortifiedRead MoreEassy in Gujarati2422 Words   |  10 Pagesunit should be given equal weightage in the examination. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Question paper should be drawn with the Internal Option in such a way that students should not   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   omit any chapter.    Marking Scheme : *  Ã‚  Ã‚   Total Marks : 100 *  Ã‚  Ã‚   Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper *  Ã‚  Ã‚   Each chapter in the should have equal weightage of 10 marks.  Ã‚  Ã‚      Unit - 1  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chapter : 1  Ã‚  Ã‚   Structuralism amp; Functionalism : Structuralism : *  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wilhelm Wundt - Scientific Psychology *  Ã‚  Ã‚   Edward BradfordRead MoreSexual Objectification And Its Effects On Women2428 Words   |  10 Pageshead and can result in feelings of body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction and low-self esteem. â€Å"Overtime, too much exposure to objectifying images can conduct to self-objectification, which involves taking an observer’s perspective on one’s own body and chronically monitoring ones physical appearance† (Breines). Unfortunately, because many females have conformed to society’s ideal of beautiful they partake in these negative habits. We ought to consider the environments

Building Construction Free Essays

The collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River had done major damages in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Many assumptions and speculations about the causes of the collapse of the bridge system had appeared in the public. The public was seemingly confused about the real cause of the incidents and it is their right to be informed about the state of the investigation. We will write a custom essay sample on Building Construction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The closest and very logical of the causes indicated in some of the investigations are stress or fatigue failure and lack of redundancy. Environment, Design, and Description of the I-35W bridge The I-35W bridge supports a total of eight lanes (four lanes on each direction). The average daily traffic (ADT) is given as 15,000 in each direction , with ten percent trucks. Constructed in 1967, the 581 meter long bridge has 14 spans. The main span is consist of a steel deck truss. The south approach spans are steel multi-beam. The north approach spans include both steel multieam and concrete slab span. There are two steel deck trusses. Builtup plates mostly composed the truss members. Rolled I-beams comprised the diagonal and vertical members. The truss members undergo poor welding details with the connections as mainly riveted and bolted. According to recent evaluation and inspection before the collapse of the bridge, corrosion at the floorbeam exists and rust are forming between connection plates. The two main trussses have an 11. 6-meter cantilever at the north and south ends. Twenty-seven floor trusses spaced at 11. 6 meters are also present. These floor trusses were framed into the vertical members of the main truss. The floor trusses consist of WF-shape members and have a 4. 97- meter cantilever at each end. The design specifications used in the bridge was the 1961 American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) Specifications. During that time, most of the design uses unconservative fatigue design provisions. According to the fatigue evaluation report provided by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies in 2001, the approach spans had exhibited several fatigue problems promarily due to the distortion of the girders. The bridge truss and the floor truss system also exhibited poor fatigue details. Lack of redundancy in the main truss system was also present in the design. It is stated in the evaluation report of the University of Minnesota that cracking due to fatigue cause by a future increase in loading will first appear on the floor truss. According to them this future cracks is detectable since the floor truss are easy to inspect. In the incidence that cracks are not detected, the bridge could still hold the bridge system without the entire collapse of the system. In the report, the failure of the two main trusses of the bridge will definitely take much effect to the bridge system. Fatigue Resistance The Standard Specification and the Load and Resistance Factor Design provided by the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) contain similar provisions for the fatigue design of welded details on steel ridges. These details are designed ased on the nominal stress which can be calculated using standard design equations and does not include the effects of welds and attachments. Since fatigue is usually present during sevice load application, the design parameters is only applied during service load conditions. Cracks due to fatigue have insignificant effect on the structures in compression but have tremendous effect on structures that experience tension. With this idea, the assessment on the cracks that propagate on such a bridge as the I-35W should only be consider to elements in tension. Structural Redundancy In all the design criteria of any structural system, loads existed in variety of paths should be significantly consider. The strength and reliability of the system can be ensure by the existence of the redundant paths or elements. Without the existence of this redundant system of elements, the failure of the entire system is much possible. Past survey of the Committee on Redundancy of Flexural System on steel highway ad railroad bridges. The report summarized that a total of 96 structures were suffering some distress. It was also take into account that most of the failures were related to connections which were mainly welded. The report had also collected data which indicates that few steel bridges collapse if redundancy is present. Bridge systems with no redundancy was reported to have large number. In another research conducted by Ressler and Daniels, they found that the number of fatiguesensitive details present in the structure significantly affected the bridges with no redundant elements. Theoritical and Actual Bridge Response Many studies have shown that the simplified calculations used to predict the stresses provide a much higher value compare to the actual service stresses. Though the design calculations and load models provide appropriate results, it has great uncertainty in the maximum life of a bridge system. However, it is still beneficial to have an accurate estimate of the typical everyday stress ranges. In a large bridge, 20 Mpa is the typical value of the service live-load stress ranges. The stress ranges are typically governed by dead loads and strength design specifications. This is the reason why the stress ranges are small. Since the strength design must account for a single case loading scenario over the life of the bridge, conservative load models are used. In addition to load conservative models, the assumptions provided in the analysis of the design can also be the cause of the large difference of the predicted stress and actual stress. A great example of the effect of the assumptions is the case of the US Highway 69 in Oklahoma. Fatigue damage was said to be present upon the welding that had been used in the widening of the bridge. The design computations of the bridge illustrated that the allowable stress ranges could be exceeded at over 100 locations on the bridge. However, when the bridge was inspected, it appeared that the measure stress ranges was only 27 percent of the allowable stress ranges. This only shows the great effect of the assumptions used in the design of a certain structural system. Moreover, another study that indicates fatigue failure to be caused by the considerable amount of corrosion takes into account. This is the case of the Bridge 4654 in Minnesota where measured stress ranges ranged from 65 to 85 percent of the calculated analysis. These differences are to be point out to the fact that analytical methods provide assumptions that neglect ways in which the structure resists loads. For example, the study conducted y Brudette et al. , more than 50 years of bridge test data were collected and examined to determine specific load-resisiting mechanisms that are ignored in the design of the system. The study concluded that lower stress ranges in a structure can be due to unintended composite action, contribution from non-structural elements, unintended partial fixity at abutments and direct transfer of load through the slab to the supports. In another study of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, they conducted a program of bridge testing that included more than 225 bridges over a period of 15 years. The study noted that much of the bridges can sustain much larger loads than their estimated capacities. Observations were also made regarding the behavior of the steel truss bridge. The observations are as follows: 1) the stringer of the floor system share a large tensile force thus reducing the strains experienced by the chord in contact with the floor system and 2) Composite action in non-composite system was shown to exist. How to cite Building Construction, Papers

Role of Germany in Great War Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Role of Germany in Great War. Answer: Introduction The Great War also known as the First World War was one of the most gruesome and damaging wars in the history of mankind, in which the countries were divided into two groups, or alliances, the war continued for 45 years from 1914 to 1918. In the following essay, the role of Germany in the outbreak of Great War is highlighted. Specific evidence and arguments are formed and described in the essay below to give a clear idea about the reasons or factors that led to the happening of the Great War. The first incident which gave a spark to the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. The July Crisis has been one of the catalysts of the War following which the great powers declared the coalition. The killing of the Austro Hungarian Loyal was attributed to Serbian government and its support to the terrorist entities. The Austro Hungarian Monarchical government did not leave any stones unturned to decide on an invasion on Serbia in this regards. These incidents were happening throughout July, and was known as July crisis. The Schlieffen plan devised by the German military chief was another action that was beforehand planned against the outbreak of the War. In addition to that was the invasion of Belgium and Luxemburg which would give a free passage to Germany in order to proceed towards the war against France and Russia. The essay will also throw light on the impacts of the First World War in Germany. Discussion Germany was one of the major reasons that had caused the First World War to take place. The World War began in the year of 1914. However, the beginning of it was marked when the French people announced the war on Prussia. From the beginning of the 1900s most of the country started to strengthen itself and its armys with the help of technological advances and against their respective ally. Argument: A simple no to Austria-Hungarys plan of invasion of Serbia, would have stopped disaster in its tracks. The murder of the Archduke and heir to the throne of Austria, Franz Ferdinand on 28th June 1914 in Sarajevo turned out to be one of the primary reasons which catapulted the Great Wars. It worked as a spark to the beginning of the war. Serbia was a self-ruling country. The harsh treatment over Serbia became the cause of the assassination of Franz by the terrorist group the Black Hand[1]. The assassination of the Archduke was caused by Gavrilo Princip part of the six-member terrorist group. The assassination was aimed at detaching the South Slav provinces of Austria-Hungarian empire. Serbia was given an ultimatum by Austria-Hungarian monarchy which was rejected which caused the primary reason to start the war. The other countries of Europe had been entangled in various disputes, and hence the countries were subsequently divided into two groups which was going to go the war. The Blank check is marked as one of the infamous episodes in history and a promotion of war[2]. On the date of July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II,the ruler of Germany assures his countrys unconditional and complete support for whatever action Austria-Hungary decides to take in the conflict and dispute with Serbia. This was known as the blank check that Germany provided to Austria-Hungary. Therefore, this further escalated the tensions. This blank check by Germany was one of the causes of the great war and therefore Germany has been held as responsible for the massacre. Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the officials of Vienna decided to punish Serbia and take over the Dual Monarchy. However, the Austria-Hungary needed the support of Germany which was clear when they stated Hoyos two documents to the Kaiser. Austria-Hungary was not in a strong position to fight with Serbia as the army was in the worst state and many problems were going on in the empire which was mainly a cause of the nationalism of the Balkan area[3]. The murder of Franz Ferdinand was a personal loss to Wilhelm. the day when the Kaisers took the pledge which was termed as carte blanche or blank check by the historians, marked the crucial moment in the various reasons of the outbreak of the First World War in Europe in 1914. The conflict would not have been possible without the unconditional support of Germanys promise or assurance towards any of the punitive action on Serbia. The July crisis of 1914 formed a chain reaction of events firing the Great War. The chain started with the murder of Austro-Hungarian royal in Bosnia. This incident was followed by the decision of teaching a lesson tyo Serbia by Austria-Hungary which was supported whole heartedly by Germany, in the form of the Blank Check. Germany also pledged to sign any documents that was required to ensure that Germany was a part of the coalition of Austria-Hungary, and the support of Germany would continue, even if Russia would turn for war, to accomplish the attack on Serbia[4]. Therefore, the month following the assassination came to be known as the July Crisis[5]. It can be added that the Germans believed that they were much more prepared than the Russians and the French and finally they wanted the war to begin sooner. Finally, on 23rd which was one month later after the assassination, Austria-Hungary sent an ultimatum to the Serbian government consisting of ten worded demands and a requiremen t to respond in agreement within 48 hours. The Russians were not in the best prepared situation, the Germans had better preparations in terms of military might, and weaponry. The situation was chaotic and the political dimensions of the continent was changing fast, however the Great War started by the end of the July and early August 1914. It can be stated by analyzing the present political situation of that time, Germans intervention in the crisis between Austria-Hungary acted as a catalyst in the first Word War. German was one of the militarily powerful countries of Europe, the support of Germany had made the Austria-Hungary monarch more confident about their attack on Serbia. If Germany had not assured its support, and Russia came up as a support to Serbia, Austria-Hungary would not possibly attack the Serbian nation. This can be related to the desire of Kaiser Wilhelm II who wanted to lead Germany and its power to its greatness. Germany already had a perception that if it would support Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia, then Russia would involve defending Serbia. These would help Germany to break the Russia-France ally, which was expected by Germany[6]. Argument: Germany already had a plan in place for the attack of France and Russia Germany had a different strategy to conquer and win over France and Russia both at the same time by breaking the alliance. France was in a period of economic modernization and was growing into national unity. It was transforming from a nation of peasants to modern and diverse economy. France has conducted negotiations and foreign visits to strengthen its existing alliances with Russia and Britain. The early 20th century informally began the plan by the Germans to fight and launch the Great War. Schlieffens Plan was created way before the assassination of Austria-Hungary royal Franz Ferdinand and even before there was any residue of the happening of the Great War. The Schlieffen Plan was initiated to plan for the war against France and Russia, created or designed by the German Chief Count Von Schlieffen[7]. It was a sort of battle plan which was drawn up by the Germans to safeguard the victory beforehand against France and Russia. When Germany had been strategizing to launch offensive on France, and possibly Russia was a part of their strategy as well, Russia was engaged in a war with Japan in its eastern front. The Russo-Japanese war developed out of the rivalry between Russia and Japan regarding the dominance of Korea and Manchuria. Russia was drawn in the War because of its power and ability and the error of judgments like military overconfidence and enough of trust in the alliances which was not mandatory. The War started when Russia put pressure on China to grant a lease for the strategically important port of Port Arthur, in southern Manchuria, in the year of 1898. During These process, Russia had concluded an alliance with China against Japan, which led to winning the rights to extend the Trans-Siberian railroad across China and Manchuria to the Russian seaport. After building the Trans-Siberian railroad still, they lacked in the transportation facilities which became necessary to reinforce the armed fo rces in Manchuria. This was the time when Japan decided to launch an offensive against Russia, as the alliance with China had resulted in its security concern. There were multiple attacks on various occasions, and the Russian army was in the back foot, as its military preparedness was not up to the mark. This was one of the causes which weakened Russia economically and militarily, and Germany got an upper hand in its endeavor in the Western front of Russia to do as it wanted with France and Serbia. The Germans strategized that if an offensive was launched just then on the western frontier of Russia, then the Russians would take considerable time to mobilize its army from the eastern frontier, and till that time France will be captured and the German army can march further towards Russia. Military disasters at Tannenburg had majorly weakened Russian army in the initial stage of the War. The lack of leadership and army equipment was a drawback to Russia which was not in favor for the Great War against Austria-Hungary and Germany alliance. Germany wanted a large European war which was only possible after the involvement of the great powers in the Great War. At first, the war was simply initiated to break Russia-France alliance which was a prepared plan by the Germans much before the assassination had taken place[8]. Argument: Invasion of neutral Belgium was a calling for war The Treaty of London was signed in the year of 1839, in which Britain promised to safeguard the neutrality of Belgium after the recent invasions. It was designed by the allies to guarantee Belgium its impartiality and independence. Belgium was a part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands since 1815. However, in 1830 the Catholic Belgians went apart and established their own independent Kingdom of Belgium. The co-signatories of the treaty of London were- Great Britain, Austria, France, the German Confederation, Russia and the Netherlands had officially accepted the independence and Britain agreed to protect the neutrality[9]. The major powers agreed to the treaty and signed it. The treaty is believed to catalyze the World War. On the other hand, Britain, Germany and France had all committed to respecting the independence of Belgium, but Germany stepped back with the commitment, and decided to divert energy just to fight against Russia and France. Britain was one of the powerful empires which only focused on ruling its empire effectively. The difficulties and the treaty signed to safeguard Belgium neutrality became the reason for forwarding the ultimatum to Germany. The people of Britain were not at all interested in the activities that were taking place in parts of Europe. Great Britain with its empire was the most powerful among the major allies. It was politically and socially stable with a great naval, financial and its strength were critical in the victory[10]. Regarding military Britain was the substantial winner of the war as compared to Germany. Germany has an effective strategy in capturing Belgium and henceforth protect itself from its rivals encircling its territory. Its rivals were France and Russia[11]. The plan was to acquire France, but first Belgium had to be brought under control to achieve that, and they knew that Russia would be busy meanwhile in mobilizing the Army from East to West. On 1st August 1914, when Germany declared free passage from Belgium, then it applied its Schlieffen plan over the dual alliance of France and Russia[12]. The plan was set as such Germany would anticipate the declaration of war to the Russians closest ally which was France by bringing the Schlieffen plan into action. France was a country with very poor defense. Therefore, Germany was very confident in bringing the country on its knees. Then Germany would encircle the region of Paris and force France to surrender. It would help Germany to pay full attention towards the Eastern front. However, when Britain sent an ultimatum to Germany t o take back their forces from Belgium to protect the neutrality of Belgium but Germany refused to it straightforward[13]. These reason led to the final declaration of war between the groups led by Britain and Germany respectively. Germany aimed to have a massive empire with more substantial power including army and navy. Germany took a risk which if not made would have given out some other consequence of the Great War. The other countries did not have an idea about the plans of Germany, and its strategies of waging a war in both the eastern and western fronts. Therefore, this made the process of comprehension of the other countries about the war slow. The alliance which was against Germany did not know much about the strengths of Germany either. Germany was at war with French and British in the Western Front, and fighting with Russians on the Eastern Front. The German had an idea to overrun Belgium and then attack Paris. However, one of the critical factors that can be considered is the invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium. France and Germany were in the odds since the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. By invading Belgium, Germany could have bypassed one of its threats of being encircled by its rivals. Germanys Schlie ffen plan was initiated and a strategy to conquer France and Russia, but it became a failure at one certain point where with the same plan to fight with two front war against major powers was impossible. Germany further made improvements in the plan with the help of Von Moltke. However, the outbreak of the world war would not have succeeded if Germany would have resisted from testing its power against of France, Russia and Britain. Germany was aware that it is prepared for the upcoming war as compared to other powers. It sourced and headed towards the Great War expecting that if Germany violated Belgiums international treaty, it would lead Britain to declare war. Germany wanted a war knowing the risk, but it wished to acquire larger European war. The period of World War I became the final significant and affecting moment of time for the Germany people. After the world war or while in the middle of the war it was an inevitable change for Germany. The German people had shown a complex reaction to the World War outbreak. Many German people out of over enthusiasm had been over supportive about the war. The German Government had a perception that the War was a way to establish German supremacy over Britain, Russia, and other German enemies. Therefore, it was very much interested in making this war a reality. They were very much confident about their preparedness of military might. The war was presented as the chance for Germany to secure "our place under the sun," as Foreign MinisterBernhard von Blowpresented it. Apart from that the political situation within Germany was creating this perception among the monarchy that the war and success in the war was necessary to unite the German public behind the monarchy, otherwise if the ris e of the Social Democratic Party of Germany had been left unabated. This party was one of the most audible opposition of the German Monarchy and the Keiser in the Reichstag. As the war was inevitable the Social Democratic Party of Germany had ended its stark opposition to the German Monarchy and had offered its support to the war efforts by the establishment. Therefore, Germany intentionally became a cause for the first world war. To establish its supremacy in Europe, and to establish the supremacy of German monarchy within the country. However, the fact was, Germany authorities who had designed the strategy for the war did not put enough attention to the intricate details. After the starting of the war as British Royal Navy blockaded the supply of food to Germany there was a scarcity of food that started throughout the country. Conclusion Germany had been the primary factors which played a crucial role in shaping the World War 1 or the Great War. It had its own ambitions and objectives to make this war happen, which have been discussed in the above paragraphs. The death of the Austria-Hungarian royal was just the immediate cause of the War. The background was being prepared since long, and Germany had the most important role to play to make sure the war takes place. The Blank Check that was provided by the Germans to Austria-Hungary to support them even if Russia declares war was one of the incidents which if would not have happened, the war may not have taken place. In the pursuit of expanding its own territory, and establishing its supremacy all over Europe, Germany became the prime cause of such a drastic war. The war had an immense impact over the political, economic and social environment all over the world. However, it can be justified to say that not only Germany but all the countries had their own roles to pla y in causing the war and it could have been averted if all the countries would have been responsible on their parts. References: Ahlstrom, David. "The hidden reason why the First World War matters today: The development and spread of modern management."Brown J. World Aff.21 (2014): 201. Bucholtz, Matthew N. "Kamerad or Genosse? The Contested Frontkmpfer Identity in Weimar Revolutionary Politics." 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Friday, May 1, 2020

Aos Journeys †Lord of the Flies Essay Sample free essay sample

Challenges and picks are a portion of every journey. They are important factors to the terminal of many journeys. ‘Lord of the Flies’ . a novel by William Golding. and the movie ‘Freedom Writers’ . directed by Richard LaGravenese. are texts which both involve these facets of journeys and convey them to the audience in a figure of ways. These journeys. like most others. affect challenges and picks which help get the better of them. Challenges or distractions need to be overcome in order to hold a positive journey. There are many state of affairss refering challenges in ‘Lord of the Flies’ . One of these occurs when the immature schoolboys are stranded on a abandoned island during World War II. This major obstruction must be overcome for the journey to be resolved. The male childs are really immature. and at first see their state of affairs as an chance for escapade. Golding shows this through the usage of linguistic communication relevant to kids . We will write a custom essay sample on Aos Journeys – Lord of the Flies Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page foregrounding the artlessness and naivete of the male childs when they foremost arrive on the island. An illustration of this is when Ralph assures the male childs that his â€Å"daddy† will deliver them shortly. The lone mark of adulthood comes from Piggy. who realises the danger of their state of affairs. as he tells Ralph â€Å"We got to happen the others. We got to make something. † Piggy is a symbol for intelligence. and tells the male childs and the reader that being stranded on the island is in fact a challenge that they need to get the better of. Ralph is represented as a symbol for civilization. order and unity. When he suggests to the other male childs that they keep a signal fire in order to be rescued. he makes a pick to work out the job. Again. Golding uses linguistic communication relevant to kids. underscoring the high grade of the challenge they are confronting. Another challenge overcome by pick in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is â€Å"the beast† . â€Å"The beast† is a asleep parachuter swept onto the top of the island near the signal fire. The male childs are convinced it is a monster. later maintaining them from their signal fire. going an obstruction to their deliverance. Golding uses the animal as a symbol of the cardinal inherent aptitude and savageness that is within all worlds. This is rein forced through the statement â€Å"To Ralph. seated. this seemed the interrupting up of saneness. Fear. beasts†¦Ã¢â‚¬  as Golding conveys the challenge â€Å"the beast† is to the boys’ deliverance. Simon. the dreamer. makes the determination that the animal is non a existent monster. but exists within them all. When Simon comes into contact with the Lord of the Flies. a pig’s caput impaled on a stick left as a gift to â€Å"the beast† . he realises its â€Å"half-shut eyes were subdued with the infinite cynicism of big life. † Here Golding accents Simon’s growing and adulthood. and how this pick was all that was needed to get the better of the fright of â€Å"the beast† and to maintain the signal fire traveling. Similarly. the movie ‘Freedom Writers’ demonstrates journeys which besides involve obstructions that need to be overcome by picks. One of these challenges was Erin Gruwell’s undertaking of learning a â€Å"dangerous† category from a newly-integrated high school. The manager shows the audience that Erin’s category challenges her when she foremost gives them a seating program. The pupils ab initio fight this and resent Erin and her manner of instruction. This changes when she finds a racialist drawing of one African American pupil in her category. which serves as a accelerator for a new attack to learning. integrating topics that will involvement her pupils. taking her to felicity and declaration. Erin’s passion for learning her category is shown in her soliloquy. where she states â€Å"I eventually realised what I’m supposed to be making and I love it. † Erin’s determination to seek her best to better her students’ lives and instruction. and helped her pupils overcome their bitterness of her. bettering both her students’ lives and her ain. Erin’s pick was besides a accelerator for her students’ journeys. By taking an involvement an involvement in and basking school. the pupils make great advancement in their instruction and personal lives. Gangster blame music is used throughout the movie to underscore the students’ engagement in gang life. This is a challenge to their instruction and safety. When Erin begins learning in a more relevant manner. the pupils decided to give school a opportunity. and do an attempt to better their lives. The books. novels and diaries used in the schoolroom are a symbol for the new acquisition that is taking topographic point. and stand for the greater understanding both Erin and her pupils come to accomplish. The pick by the pupils to collaborate with Erin consequences in the positive result of their journeys. Obstacles and determinations are a portion of every journey. The narratives of the male childs in ‘Lord of the Flies’ and Erin and her pupils in ‘Freedom Writers’ are illustrations of this. Their journeys are full of hard challenges which are. in the terminal. overcome by the determinations the characters make. Every journey involves challenges and pic ks.